Dr. Lee Outlaw

The knowledge of how, gives one the advantage of possible prevention of the event and the knowledge of when, allows time to prepare or even avoid the disaster.
The following information can be extremely beneficial in learning how and when ANGER occurs increasing greatly your chances for survival or even avoidance of anger.
The basic Biblical basis on how to deal with anger is found in Ephesians 4:26 where the Apostle Paul tells us “In your anger do not sin”.
A Biblical Imperative
Like jealousy (which we will cover in our next article) ANGER in and of itself is NOT Sin. In Fact, Jealousy will lead to Anger and most jealous people become angry.
There are Biblical accounts of God getting ANGRY as well as Jesus (as a man) becoming angry; God cannot sin and Jesus although completely man was completely God and He did NOT sin although He did get angry. Again, ANGER is not sin. (Mtt.21:11 -13)
God however, can control ANGER. He knows when and how to release it.
Anger is a Godly emotion and as such, human beings need God’s guidance to help them control their anger.
ANGER always results in human judgment and can lead people to sin (and often does); even for believers.
How and When ANGER Occurs:
1. When there has been human conflict. (Matthew 5:23-24)
Anger is easily triggered when two people are in disagreement without any resolution.
2. When matters of conflict are not settled quickly. (Matthew 5:25)
Anger sets in and rash decisions and judgments are made.
3. When there is separation from God. (Eph. 4:18)
A deliberate separation from God and His people can change one’s attitude leading to anger.
4. When hearts are “hardened”. (Eph.4:18) (A “mean spirit”; lack of compassion)
Continual separation from God will reduce or eliminate one’s Godly passion and lead to a “mean
Spirit” and the ultimate anger.
5. When sensuality rules. (Eph. 4:19)
Once the heart is hardened, sensitivity to God’s will is lost; anger sets in and overtakes the actual
will of God. What we often assume is the will of God is not. We are blinded by our own anger.
Generally speaking, anger can cause Christians to think for years they have been following God’s
will when in reality they have only been following the status quo.
Below is a 5-fold approach on:
How to Prevent and Control Anger and Avoid Sin
1. Constantly renew your attitude. (Eph.4:22-24) Don’t think you have all of the answers all of the time. You don’t.
2. Seek the truth and BE truthful. (Eph. 4:25) Nothing seems to fuel anger like untruth. Be truthful with yourself as well. If you surround yourself with angry people, the anger will ultimately infect you. You might ultimately have to eliminate friends or even family from your life. You might even have to change jobs or a career. God’s will is that you be happy and live life to the fullest. You cannot live happily or at peace with anger all around you.
3. Don‘t allow anger to “brew”. Give it a time limit. NEVER continue your anger overnight.
(Eph. 4:26-27) Anger is indeed like wine, the longer it brews, the more potent it gets.
4. Don‘t enter into senseless or degrading conversation (Eph. 4:29) Anger often results from what first appears as “innocent conversation”. Be careful who you talk, listen to and believe. Avoid like the plague those who would give you advice so freely and think they are looking out for your own good. Chances are they are living vicariously through your life.
5. Settle ALL conflictual matters quickly! (Mtt.5:24—25) Don’t let conflict persist and those, whom you know who breed on conflict must be confronted, asked to cease their conflictual nature and attitude and if they don’t, cut them out of your life as fast as you would turn a light switch off.
We should remember that anger can actually be a good thing. It motivates us many times to stand up for important aspects of our life such as family, friends, God and country.
Jesus tells us in Matthews’s gospel that ANGER is OK in general when:
1. People are taken advantage of in the name of God. (Mtt.21:11-13) and
2. Necessary expectations are not met. (Mtt.21:18-19)
The bottom line is seek God and He will guide your emotions and move you away from the danger of yourself.
Proverbs 3:5-6 says it best, “5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will direct your paths.”
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